Those were all worthy endeavors, that mattered to many Afghans. You created a safe space for new possibilities, for lots of us to try and create new outcomes. It didn't work, and I think it matters that we let that break out heart. I think that is also worthy endeavor.
The lessons we take from this war as Americans are just one slice of a story that started long before us and continues long after. And they all matter.
I spent 8 years living and working as a civilian, helping to build those schools, and work with those girls that got an education becuase of the stability and security you offered.
I no longer hold hope that what we did will be enough.
I went back to Afghanistan again and again. I couldn’t stay away, and I hope I never do.
An Afghan colleague once told me that I, “built a home in his heart.” And it’s like that. Part of me will always live in that house. I left that piece, and I will never get it back. And I don’t want it back.